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Research Policy  /  International Collaboration

International Collaboration

Updated May 6, 2024

Postdoc and Grad Student DFIC Presentations

The Importance of and Benefits from International Collaboration

Caltech as an institution of higher learning is committed to a policy of openness regarding international collaborations. We allow full access to research activities for graduate students, postdocs, and staff of all nationalities.

Caltech derives significant benefit from foreign collaborations and such collaborations are in keeping with the Institute's mission. While concerns have been raised regarding such engagements, the consistent application of standards of openness, transparency, reciprocity, and integrity will make it possible to participate in such engagements while deriving the associated mutual benefits. The Institute should ensure that these important characteristics are fundamental components of any proposed international collaborations.

For more information, please read the Report of the faculty committee on international collaboration.


The U.S. government has raised several concerns about research security, specifically, theft of intellectual property, research materials, and unfair practices related to research results. This has led to investigations at a variety of research and educational institutions where the government has analyzed international collaborations for an unfair advantage, the potential for conflict of commitment, practices contrary to funding agency reporting requirements, and in rare cases, scientific misconduct.

What Do Researchers Need to Do?

The purpose of this website is to inform the Caltech community and our external partners regarding Caltech policies and procedures related to engaging with foreign partners.

Thank you to Michelle Christy for assistance with this site.