Education and Training
Education and Training

The Export Compliance Awareness Program is an overview of the regulations for faculty and researchers that describes how certain activities can jeopardize the "fundamental research exemption" with helpful guidance on when to contact our office. Caltech staff members are also encouraged to take the training!
To access the on-line Caltech Export Compliance Awareness Program:
- Please contact us and we'll assign the on-line program and provide a link to access the module in MyLearn.
Please contact us if you wish to schedule in-person awareness training.
To request Visual Compliance, restricted party screening tool, training go here.
Travel briefing resources can be found here.
Please contact us if you wish to schedule in-person travel briefing.
Watch for some of these red flag indicators in an export transaction:
Export Compliance news and announcements can be found in the Office of Research Policy Newsletters.