Foreign Person Reviews
No, generally, only EAS, PMA, some space-related GPS activities, foreign talent related programs, access to 3rd party-JPL export controlled items (hardware, software, technical data), or restricted party engagements will require review.
Although Restricted Party Screening (RPS) is a part of an export review, the tool is available to all of campus. You can request access to Visual Compliance by contacting us. The advantage of running your own RPS is that it is simple and will allow you to navigate the FPQ flowchart autonomously.
Fundamental research may still require an FPQ. Check the award summary for a Technology Control Plan or for OGM term #5 with the condition that "the PI must notify the Caltech Export Compliance Office in advance if any Foreign Persons will participate in this project."
If your RPS result is a CDU "Australia Unitracker Chinese Defense Universities List", you do not need to submit an FPQ. The CDU is an Australian advisory list which does not prohibit engaging with the entity. However, it may be prudent for you to make the faculty or researcher aware of this affiliation. Please contact the Office of Export Compliance for any questions or visit [] for more information on the initiative.
HPC access only requires an FPQ if it is being accessed by a restricted party, or if the HPC is being accessed remotely from Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria.
NASA Restrictions on Funding Activities with the People's Republic of China (PRC), for additional information please see:
Export Compliance contacts
- Foreign Person Questionnaire - Please note that you will need to download this as an Adobe .pdf to view. (must be opened from the folder the file is saved to. Previewing in a web browser will cause a "loading please wait" error.)
- Foreign Person Questionnaire - Addendum (REQUIRED FOR FPQ)